As the 2020 Corona-era holiday season approaches for many people and the coronavirus pandemic continues to worsen around the country, many are finding that their usual traditions for the season are going to look very different in 2020. With travel and indoor gatherings out, and mask-wearing and staying home in, many people may be wondering how to make this holiday season feel like the holidays that have come before, and how to keep up beloved traditions.

The great news is that the creativity that has kept people and businesses going throughout 2020 is undaunted by this new challenge. While 2020 may call for adapting traditions in ways that are different (and more distanced) than those you know and love, these changes can keep everyone safe until the pandemic ends—and some new activities might just stick and become new traditions.

What can you do to make the holiday season enjoyable (and safe) during 2020? And how can we at The Tub Pros help you as you get ready for a time of year that’s going to be different than in years before? We’ll break down how traditions might be changing and what we can do to help your holiday.

Wait! How can you change a tradition?

While traditions may seem set in stone, the truth is that they change over time—and major events throughout history have shaped the traditions many people celebrate today. World War I, the pandemic of 1918, the Great Depression, and World War II all changed the ways that people celebrate, eat, and shop at holidays.

Some COVID-era traditions might be temporary—other events have brought about temporary changes. During World War II, the iconic Times Square Ball didn’t drop on New Year’s Eve, and during the Great Depression, make-your-own-ornament-kits were popular when people were short on money.

But maybe some COVID celebrations will become new traditions—like the Christmas movies and songs that originated during the World War II era. Change has helped bring about a lot of traditions you might enjoy–this might be an opportunity to find new ones. 

What are some Covid-safe options for holidays this year?

Many people bake, exchange gifts, or gather for family dinners over the holidays. The great news is that lots of these activities can be transitioned to safer online or “socially distanced” formats. FaceTime or Zoom dinners can be a great way to have a meal along with conversation. If your family enjoys playing games during holiday get-togethers—or even if you haven’t tried it before—this could be a good year to try it out. A game might even help keep the conversation light after a difficult year.

If a full meal over Zoom doesn’t sound like it’s for you, that’s okay–maybe trying out something else is for you. Working and learning from home took a lot of trial and error, and holidays could be the same way. Arranging a baking or cooking day, where everyone makes a recipe together—either over video call or on the phone—might be a fun way to try out the reverse of a holiday potluck.

Or, maybe consider arranging a day where everyone plans to eat the same meal or have the same beverage—delivering a care package to loved ones could be a way to help make that happen. Maybe a virtual game night or movie night is for you, or maybe something simpler, like arranging a time to gather virtually before or after a shared activity, can help you get that sense of connection.

Many religious institutions also have online services or activities—if that’s part of your family’s usual holiday, it can help you feel like you’re still taking part in your traditions. And while New Year’s Eve will be different, and parties that many people love won’t be safe, arranging something else—like a virtual class, a game night, or even a night to dress up in those fancy clothes that haven’t gotten a lot of use this year—can be a fun way to see out the year 2020.

What else might help?

This won’t be the first time you’ve heard this during the pandemic, but be creative! Patience and flexibility will go a long way to helping this holiday season be more pleasant. Don’t worry about trying to replicate your previous holidays exactly—2020 has been different in a lot of ways and this season will be no exception.

Remember that this is temporary. This could be a great time to experiment and try out new things that your family might enjoy. Nothing has to get set in stone—and even when you’re frustrated, remember that your temporary changes are keeping your family and everyone else’s safe until next year.     

How can The Tub Pros help?

You might notice that many holiday traditions, like baking or sharing meals, center on the kitchen, the heart of the home. So if your kitchen isn’t quite ready for the holiday season, we’re here to help. Maybe your kitchen is in a past era and you’re ready to bring it into the present by adding some kitchen trends for 2020—like refinishing those granite countertops to make the stone shine, or adding faux granite countertops or faux marble countertops to get the look of stone without the cost.

Maybe a new installation isn’t for you, but wear and damage are making you wonder “where can I find corian countertop repair near me” or “where can I find counter and sink reglazing near me?” Whether you love a traditional space or the newest kitchen trends, The Tub Pros are here to make your space beautiful and functional again.

Whether you’re making a small meal just for your family, a meal to share over Zoom or Facetime, or ordering in to support a local restaurant, the kitchen gets a lot of love during the holidays—and 2020 is no exception. If you’re ready to get started on a project in your home, give The Tub Pros a call at 901-871-8827 or if you would like more information on a particular topic you can use our online contact form

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