Living here in the Memphis metro area and mid-South region of north Mississippi and Arkansas means you might encounter some many-legged creatures. From mosquitoes to cockroaches, there are bugs of every size who make this region their home. In nature, that can be a good thing—insects help to keep other pests under control, and some kinds of beetles, moths, and flies even help pollinate flowers and crops. The Tub Pros is no stranger to these little critters and the havoc they can have on water prone areas in your bathroom and kitchen.
An occasional bug in your home is one thing, but a full infestation—or bugs that seem to evade your best efforts at pest control—are another. That’s more likely to happen in the summer, too, when bugs take advantage of the weather and lay their eggs in warm, humid, places. And your bathroom—with lots of steam and high temperatures—can be a perfect breeding ground for insects, no matter how clean you keep it.
Bugs in your home can turn your summer relaxation space into a major headache. But there are steps you can take to keep your bathroom bug-free this summer. Here, we’ll break down what you can do, and let you know how The Tub Pros can fix your kitchen and bath spaces back to new and bug free for less money than a full renovation.
Why are there bugs in my bathroom?

Where many people might love a steamy shower, bugs also love moisture and humidity. Because bathrooms are so often full of steam and water, pests are drawn to them—and what makes the bathroom an even better hangout for bugs is that sludge in and around the tub, shower, and drain, which can serve as a food source for them. And pipes under the drain can also make a great hiding space. With the combination of temperature, food sources, and shelter, bathrooms are a perfect hideout for bugs.
What kinds of bugs might I see?
Lots of types of bugs look for the moist, humid environment that a bathroom creates. Insects like silverfish, which feed on mold and mildew, are nocturnal, and can easily find food and shelter in a bathroom. And the sludge that sits in your drain might attract roaches, which can travel through the pipes, too.
Any plumbing problem in the sewer or drain can attract drain flies, too, and ants—always on the lookout for food and water—can easily create a major problem when they find something they’re looking for in your bathroom. And if insects set up camp in your bathroom, they’re also setting up a perfect hunting ground for centipedes and spiders, which can land you with a bigger bug problem.
What can I do to get rid of and prevent bugs in my home?
The good news is that there are steps you can take to keep bugs out. The first is a thorough check for leaks or other damage to your fixtures—when water escapes, it can attract pests along with causing major structural damage to your home. Repairing any damage should go a long way towards getting rid of pests. Clearing the drain regularly can be another good step that can help to deter insects while also keeping your sink, tub and showers safe and clean.
Regular cleaning—even more rigorously than your usual routine—will also help to get rid of the pests and keep them away. Make sure to wipe down counters and take out the trash regularly to prevent bugs finding a food source. As you clean, investigate any cracks or gaps where pests might be getting in, and seal them with caulking or other materials to cut off the routes bugs might be taking to enter.
Since bugs can move around the house, check for gaps in other places—especially the kitchen, another bug hot-spot—and seal those, too. Keep counters wiped, dishes washed, and trash taken out—especially if you have a bug problem anywhere else in the house. This can help deter bugs that are attracted to food and water that may be coming in from other places around the house.
Another good option is to cut down on the humidity in your bathroom. Using a fan, or opening a window, can help steam to escape. If that’s not an option, or isn’t enough, a dehumidifier can help to reduce the steam in your bathroom. This deters pests that are attracted to moisture, and can help to keep mold and mildew at bay. If you have a ceiling fan in your bathroom, make sure it is properly working and venting moist air up and out of the space.
To get rid of bugs that have already made a home (nest) in your bathroom, setting up some traps can be an easy way to get rid of them. Some DIY steps—like pouring boiling water down the drains to get rid of eggs, or whipping up a DIY pest repellant with water, vinegar, sugar, and dish soap—can help to keep your bathroom pest-free.
Commercially-available bug treatments can also keep your home pest-free, and a professional pest-control service can use professional-grade supplies to keep your space safe from bugs. If the pest problem is ongoing- then consider putting your home on a professional pest control service contract. This is highly effective to not only solve the initial problem but prevent further hatching and infestations.
How can The Tub Pros help me?
Dealing with a bug problem might make you frustrated and despise your kitchen and bathrooms, and make you just want to avoid them. A worn, damaged, or outdated space can have the same effect; that off-color tub, cracked sink, or dated counter top might make you want to turn on your heels and do anything, other than deal with the mood-sinking problem.
But if you think the only option is a full bathroom remodel, Memphis residents know better—The Tub Pros is here to save the day! Whether you’re looking for a refreshed space in line with the bathroom trends 2022 has brought in, a senior bathroom makeover, or a facelift for kids bathrooms to get ready for back to school season, we’re here with sink, tile, counter, and bathtub resurfacing, all at an affordable cost, to make sure that your home looks—and works—its best.
Resurfacing can give you a space that looks and feels like new for a fraction of the cost of a full renovation. This process is fast, too—which means your space is back up and running in a few hours, getting you and your family back to your lives.
Ready to solve these annoying kitchen and bath problems? Give The Tub Pros a call at (901) 871-8827 or use our online contact tool to get a free estimate and take the first step. We’re here to help you today! Additional free value added information can be found in our website article library.
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